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What Insurance Companies Dont Want You to Know if You Live in Az and Are a Senior

nourishcoordinate   go    have       know   fix speak think travel

Leandra Korakis is Marketing Managing director is Kayavis Food & Wine S.A., an expanding medium-sized business is Thessaloniki. She coordinates__ 1 the work of a squad of seven people. Kayavis has 2 distributors in 11 countries in Europe an America so Leandra ofttimes travels three abroad. Side by side week, she is going 4 to Canada to visit their new retail outiet. She speaks 5 Greek, English and Danish. At the moment she is attending half-dozen an intensive High german course because the owner of Kayavis is thinking 7 of opening store and a large restaurant in Frankfurt. Leandra knows 8 that she will take to work in Frg for six month and so she is preparing nine herself for her new assignment as best she can.

D. Make questions for these answers. All the data is in the text in exercise C.

1 What does Leandra do?______ She coordinates the work of a squad of 7 people.

2 ____ How many countries does Kayavis have distributors in? ________ Eleven.

three____ When is Leandra going to Canada ?_________________________Next week.

4 ____ Why is she going to Canada? ______________________To visit their new retail outlet.

5____ What foreign languages does she speak? ____________ Greek, English and Danish.

vi____ Why is she attending a German course? _______ Because she volition have to work in Germany.

vii ____ Where is the owner of Kayavis thinking of opening a shop and a large eating house?_____ in Frankfurt.

A. Match each sentence to pregnant expressed by the modal in italics.

1 You should order online, information technology's more convenient. b           a) it is not necessary

2 Nosotros have to piece of work very hard to reach our sales targets. c    b) it would exist a proficient idea.

3 You mustn't show your PIN to anyone. d                            c) It is necessary

iv The supermarket is just down the road so we don't d) Don't do that

take to take the car. a

B. Rewrite these sentence using an appropriate model to supersede the words in italics.

one If you want to be an effective salesperson, it is necessary to know how to deal with people.

     If you want to be an effective salesperson,        you have to_ know how to deal with it people.

ii Information technology is a expert idea for retailers to dispatch orders quickly.

      Retailers should acceleration orders quickly .

3One of the good things about malls is that it is not necessary to walk a lot from one shop to

some other.

       One of the skilful things nearly malls is that you don't have to walk a lot from i

shop to another

four It is not skillful idea to talk well-nigh yourself.

      Yous shouldn't talk a lot about yourself .

 fiveIf you social club earlier xvth April, it's not necessary for y'all to pay until August.

      If yous social club before 15thursday April, you don't have to pay until August .

6 This bargain is very important for all us, then no mistakes please!

This bargain is very important so we musn't make any mistakes !

7 It is against the law to sell these medicines to anyone who hasn't got a prescription.

     Yous must have a prescription if you lot want to buy these medicines.

C. Match the sentence halves.

  1We were all agreement.                            a) which means they don't have to queue!

2Her new apartment is near her workplace. d b) so we'll accept to substitution them.

iiiNosotros didn't have any more paper             c) then nosotros didn't have to discuss the deal an farther.

in stock. e

4They usually club online. a                       d) so she won't have to drive to work anymore.

5They don't accept an online catalogue. f eastward) so we had to order some more than.

6They say some of the goods are damaged. b f)so we have to ask them to send united states one.

attendcoordinate   become    have       know   ready speak think travel

Leandra Korakis is Marketing Manager is Kayavis Food & Wine S.A., an expanding medium-sized business is Thessaloniki. She coordinates__ one the work of a team of seven people. Kayavis has two distributors in 11 countries in Europe an America so Leandra oft travels iii abroad. Next week, she is going 4 to Canada to visit their new retail outiet. She speaks five Greek, English and Danish. At the moment she is attending half dozen an intensive High german course because the owner of Kayavis is thinking seven of opening store and a large eating house in Frankfurt. Leandra knows viii that she volition take to work in Deutschland for six month and so she is preparing nine herself for her new assignment as all-time she can.

D. Make questions for these answers. All the data is in the text in exercise C.

i What does Leandra do?______ She coordinates the piece of work of a team of vii people.

2 ____ How many countries does Kayavis have distributors in? ________ 11.

3____ When is Leandra going to Canada ?_________________________Next week.

4 ____ Why is she going to Canada? ______________________To visit their new retail outlet.

5____ What foreign languages does she speak? ____________ Greek, English and Danish.

six____ Why is she attending a German form? _______ Considering she will take to piece of work in Frg.

7 ____ Where is the owner of Kayavis thinking of opening a store and a large eating house?_____ in Frankfurt.

A. Match each sentence to pregnant expressed by the modal in italics.

1 Y'all should gild online, it's more user-friendly. b           a) information technology is not necessary

2 We take to work very hard to achieve our sales targets. c    b) it would be a good idea.

3 You mustn't show your Pivot to anyone. d                            c) It is necessary

4 The supermarket is just down the road and then we don't d) Don't exercise that

have to take the car. a

B. Rewrite these sentence using an advisable model to supplant the words in italics.

1 If you want to exist an effective salesperson, information technology is necessary to know how to deal with people.

     If you desire to be an constructive salesperson,        you have to_ know how to deal with it people.

2 It is a good idea for retailers to dispatch orders quickly.

      Retailers should dispatch orders quickly .

3I of the adept things near malls is that it is not necessary to walk a lot from one shop to


       One of the practiced things almost malls is that you lot don't have to walk a lot from one

shop to another

iv Information technology is non practiced thought to talk most yourself.

      You lot shouldn't talk a lot well-nigh yourself .

 vIf yous order before 15th April, it's non necessary for you to pay until August.

      If you club before fifteenthursday April, yous don't have to pay until Baronial .

6 This deal is very important for all u.s.a., and so no mistakes delight!

This bargain is very of import so we musn't make whatever mistakes !

vii Information technology is against the law to sell these medicines to anyone who hasn't got a prescription.

     You must take a prescription if you want to purchase these medicines.

C. Match the sentence halves.

  iWe were all agreement.                            a) which means they don't have to queue!

2Her new apartment is virtually her workplace. d b) and then we'll have to commutation them.

threeWe didn't accept whatever more newspaper             c) so nosotros didn't have to talk over the deal an further.

in stock. e

fourThey ordinarily order online. a                       d) and then she won't accept to drive to work anymore.

5They don't have an online catalogue. f e) so nosotros had to guild some more.

6They say some of the goods are damaged. b f)then we have to ask them to send united states of america one.


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