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Bts Reaction They Deliver Your Baby the Doctor Faints

pairing: bangtan x reader
fandom: bts
warnings: reader being in labor (it's not too graphic, though) ; language
genre: fluff ; angst ; (crack)

previous: x

a/n: aaaaah yes. I love this series, alright? one more part after this (or maybe two more, Idk yet!) I hope you all like this ♥

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Kim Seokjin


"Jin?" you tried shaking him awake softly at first, but when that got you nothing but a soft sigh for a response, your shaking got a little rougher, "Jin! Wake up!"

"What? What is it?" he mumbled and turned around slowly, rubbing his eyelid.

"My water broke."

"What?!" that had him sit up straight within a second and he quickly turned on the lights, "Now?! Oh god, oh god, oh god," he jumped out of bed and quickly ran around it, so he could help you up.

As soon as you were standing, he helped you change into something else, grabbed the bag you had already prepared for when it was time to go to the hospital and his car keys, before carefully helping you out the apartment. Or at least he wanted to.

Until you stopped him midway.

"Honey, as much as I love your body, I think you should put on some clothes."

He looked down at himself, only then realizing that he was still only wearing sweatpants and no shirt, whatsoever.

"Aish," he walked you over to the couch, "I'll be back in ten seconds."

You were planning on sitting down, but it actually took you longer to try to do that, than him to come back.

"You know, as much as I loved carrying him around these past months, I can't wait to be able to do things normally again, without the belly in the way."

"Soon, Jagi. Soon," he grinned with excitement and you continued to make your way downstairs to his car.

Contractions hit every few minutes and he was breathing in and out with you, trying to get you to do it in sync with him, while he would occasionally tell you how good you were doing and that he was so incredibly proud of you. How much he loved you and how happy he was and excited and..-


"Yes, Jagi?"

"Could you please just focus on driving? I appreciate what you're trying to do here, really, but if you don't hurry, I'm afraid I'll give birth to your son in your car. And that is definitely going to ruin the leather."

He had been so focused on you that he realized he wasn't even going the speed limit.

"Right. Right, sorry. Yes. Driving."

You had been correct in assuming your son would come sooner than expected. You had expected to be in labor for at least a couple of hours, but as soon as you were in the hospital, they transferred you to the delivery ward, where only an hour later, you were in the arms of Jin and your newborn son sleeping peacefully in yours.

"He looks beautiful," Jin stated, completely charmed by his son already.

"Just like his father?" you giggled, your fingers tracing the features of the little boy.

"No. Just like his mother."

Min Yoongi


Yoongi and Namjoon had spent the entire evening working on their new song, after they had finally decided on the theme of it.

They lyrics were not even close to done and they only had a faint idea of what they wanted it to sound like in the end, but that was usually enough when two geniuses like them sat together and produced a song.

Yoongi leaned back in his chair and stretched his arms out over his head, letting out a long yawn.

"You want to take a break?"

"No, it's fine.. just haven't been sleeping well these past days."

Namjoon leaned back as well, cocking his head to the side, "Because of the pregnancy?"

Yoongi's jaw clenched, nodding twice, but not adding anything else to it. If Namjoon had noticed one thing during your pregnancy, it's that Yoongi had closed himself off even more. He couldn't stop worrying about.. everything. About how he was supposed to be a father, while simultaneously an Idol. He had promised his fans that nothing would change when he made it public that you were pregnant.

But how couldn't it? How could everything be the same, when he knew he had a girlfriend and kid waiting for him at home? How would he be able to leave for concerts from now on, when he knew that he would possibly miss his child's first words or steps?

"Actually, let's take that break," he needed some fresh air, or maybe he just needed to hear your voice. Because despite what he had thought in the beginning, this pregnancy had brought you closer together than you had ever been. So he quickly stopped by his room and grabbed his phone.

That's when he saw it.

48 missed calls in the last hour.

He knew what that meant and immediately grabbed his jacket, storming past Namjoon on the hallway and yelling a: "She's having the baby!" before he was already out the door.

As soon as he had found a cab, he called you back.

"(Y/N)?! Are you still at home?"

"Where the fuck are you?! I swear to god, Min Yoongi, if you miss this, I'm ..-" just when you wanted to finish the sentence, another contraction hit and you let out a painful moan.

He could hear the nurses mumbling in the background, speaking soothing words to you.

"I'll be there, I promise."

And he was. He was actually there way before the baby came, because like him, his son seemed to have enjoyed the peace and quiet and had taken his time before finally leaving your body and entering this world.

And when he was finally holding the little boy, he couldn't help the soft smile spreading on his face.

It was funny.. how he couldn't have imagined ever feeling like this for another human being. He thought having a kid would change nothing, especially when he never planned on becoming a dad so soon in the first place.

How wrong he had been.

Jung Hoseok


"Well hello there," you smiled at him, looking not nearly as alarmed as he did.

"Did I miss it?!"

"Hobi. I called you ten minutes ago."

"I don't know, I'm fast too, you know? So maybe he has my genes and..-"

You laughed and nodded, "Alright, alright. But no, you didn't miss it. Did you call your manager?"

"Yes, he's waiting downstairs. He'll take us to the hospital."

"Fantastic. See? Nothing to worry about," when he saw your struggles while getting up, he quickly rushed to your side.

"Can you believe it? We're going to be parents, (Y/N)!"

Just when he wanted to turn around and start leaving, you grabbed his hand and pulled him back towards you, pressing a gentle kiss on his lips, while cupping his face.

"I love you, Hoseok. You know that, don't you?"

He laughed, confusion clear in his voice, but he held your waist anyways and dipped down his head to kiss you again.

"I love you too. And  Hobi Junior."

"We're not naming him Hobi Junior," you walked on without him, "Can you grab the bag, please?"

He had been pestering you with it for weeks, wanting to name him Hobi Junior, but you weren't really feeling it.

And when you were in the hospital and after four hours, you could finally hear the cries that you had both longed to hear.

"Congratulations! It's a girl!"

Both you and Hoseok looked at each other in confusion.

"A girl?" you asked in unison, "Doctor Sung had said it would be a boy?"

"Sometimes ultrasounds can be deceiving. This is definitely not a boy, but a girl."

You were almost scared to turn your head and look at Hoseok. He had been so happy about having a son.. what if he didn't want the baby now? What if he had been so set on the idea of having a baby boy, that the idea of having a baby girl made him not want the child? Love it less, perhaps?

With a deep breath, you turned your head to face him and actually found him shedding a few tears.

"Hoseok.. I'm..-" you were about to apologize, but he interrupted you and your worries.

"A girl," he breathed out, turning around to look at you, "We have a daughter, (Y/N)," his voice was but a whisper, threatening to break at any second.

They put her into your arms and he looked like.. god, he looked like he just fell in love. The way he was admiring her and the way he was softly touching her little fingers like she was the most perfect thing he had ever seen in his life.

Maybe not as disappointed as you had assumed, you thought to yourself with a smile.

"We could name her Hope," you whispered, while looking at him.

He snuffled, wiping away the tears, a smile spreading on his lips.

"Hope.. our  Hope."

Kim Namjoon


"This is taking way too long," he wanted to get up again and look for a doctor, but you had caught his wrist just in time.

"Hey.. the doctor is only going to confirm what the nurses have already said. It's going to take a while for me to be able to push."

"But he should at least have a look himself. What if the nurses were wrong? What if he gets stuck or something?"

You smiled and interlinked your fingers with him.

You were the one in labor, about to press another human being out of your vagina and he was the one worrying over ever little thing. It was nice to know he cared so much, but you would rather have him distract you right now, than drive you crazy.

"Namjoon? I know you're scared. I am too, but we really should trust the experts on this. They've done this countless of times. And our son is going to be alright."

He sighed, sitting down on the bed with you again and pushing a few strands of hair out of your face.

"How are the contractions?"

"Not too bad for now. I'm still glad when he's finally here, though," you grinned, one hand on your belly, gently stroking up and down.

"Yeah.. me too," he leaned down to kiss your forehead and got up as soon as the door sprung open and the doctor smiled kindly at you.

"Mrs. Kim, yes?"

You turned your head to narrow your eyes at Namjoon and mouthed a: "Mrs. Kim?"

Because last time you checked, he hadn't even proposed to you yet. But Namjoon had been the one to fill out all the forms, while the nurses had taken you to your room and looked awfully guilty right now.

"Uh.. yes. That would be me."

"Fantastic. How are we doing so far?"

"Pretty good. Contractions aren't too bad."

And while the doctor did his thing, Namjoon just stood next to you, baffled and slightly uncomfortable when he looked between your legs. You had to bite your lip to keep yourself from laughing out loud.

The doctor only confirmed, like suspected, what the nurses had said.

It took you seven full hours to finally be able to push. You were covered in sweat and tears were running out of your eyes when you could finally hear that sound you had been wanting to hear for the last couple of months.

As soon as they had washed him up, they placed your son into your arms and you instantly pressed a kiss against his forehead.

"Oh my god, look at him Namjoon. We have a baby. We have a son.."

Yeah. Namjoon realized that right there and then as well, his jaw hanging open and his finger tentatively reaching out to touch his boy. As if out of instinct, his tiny fingers reached for Namjoon's and wrapped around it.

And that's when it really hit him.

He was a dad.

Park Jimin


"You're doing great, Jagi. So great," he wiped your forehead with a wet cloth, but at this point, you could barely feel anything other than pain anymore.

"This is all your fault," you breathed out.

"I know it is," he had given up on trying to convince you otherwise and was just going to agree with everything you were saying at this point.

"I'm sure she knows it too. She knows that and she keeps torturing me and..-" when another contraction hit, your head fell backwards and you tried to breathe in deeply. It lasted a couple of seconds, then you continued ranting, "All my friends, they were in labor for maybe five hours. We've been here for sixteen. SIXTEEN, JIMIN!"

"I'm so sorry, Jagi," he kept patting your face with the cloth, trying to get rid of the sweat, "But it's going to be so worth it soon! Just imagine it.. we're soon going to hold our baby girl."

The doctor entered the room with a happy smile. One that you'd gladly punch out of her face if she didn't stop.

"How are we doing?"

"How are we doing?! Get. Her. Out. Of. There."

The doctor looked up to Jimin, who threw her an apologetic look, but she only chuckled, probably used to women like you.

She pulled the chair between your legs and took a closer look, smiling up at you a moment later.

"I think it's time."

"Fucking finally," you let out a relieved sigh.

While Jimin's heart felt like it was about to jump out of his throat from how nervous he was, you just wanted to get it over with, being so done with those contractions and finally wanting to meet your daughter.

"I'm going to need you to push, alright?"


Within minutes, your baby was finally born into this world, crying and screaming.

While you tried to catch your breath, Jimin carefully approached the nurses and watched them wash his newborn daughter with wide eyes and an open mouth.

And when they turned around and almost ran into him, Jimin instinctively reached out for his little girl.

The nurse put her into his arms and you watched with a smile how he gently rocked her and stopped her from crying further, like the natural that he was.

"She's so small, Jagi. So tiny," you wanted to open your mouth and respond, but he beat you to it and quickly added, "Don't say it!"

You chuckled and held out your arms, wanting to hold your daughter as well.

And when he put her into your arms, he placed his lips against yours as softly as he could.

"Congratulations," he grinned from ear to ear. The brightest grin you had ever seen.

"Congratulations," you replied just as happily as he did.

Kim Taehyung


"Things are going to change from now on, you know?" Seojoon said, looking at the nervously fidgeting Taehyung, when he stopped at a red light. "Caring for one baby is hard enough. Caring for two is..-"

"I know, Hyung."

Usually, he would never do this. Interrupt his hyung. He had too much respect. But his wife was in labor and he was about to be the father of twins. Taehyung had genuinely thought he was ready for the role. He was good with kids.

But taking care of a kid for a day is so different than being fully responsible for not only one, but two kids.

Seojoon didn't hold it against his former cast member. He was older and still didn't feel like he was ready to be a father. So even if Taehyung and you had wanted kids, he was sure that it was hard for his dongsaeng right now.

"You'll do great," he whispered as he pulled into the parking lot, "I know you. And I know (Y/N). You'll be amazing parents."

Taehyung turned around to face his hyung, "Thank you."

"Just don't forget who gets to be godfather of the girl."

This made Tae laugh and he leaned over to give Seojoon a tight hug, before running out of the car and into the hospital.

The nurse helped him find the way to your room and you were still looking pretty good when he entered.

"Baby!" he breathed out and kissed you carefully, "Are you okay?"

"Nervous," you nodded, "But good otherwise. You?"

"Me too," he sat down next to you, "What did the doctors say?"

"Everything seems to be fine. Twins are usually born a little earlier, so he said we shouldn't worry about it too much."

He grabbed your hand and kissed your knuckles, his eyes never leaving yours.

"You're going to be the best mother ever."

"I hope so," your husband quickly wiped away the tear that ran out of your eye, you leaning into his hand, "And you're going to be the best father."

You both spent the entire night in the hospital.

Premature babies are cared for differently. They're being kept under special watch, just to make sure that they were really alright.

But they both screamed and cried like every other baby when they entered this world and they pushed the special cribs they were sleeping in next to your bed, so you could both watch them with a smile on your faces.

"They're so beautiful," Taehyung whispered, still amazed that he had created these two babies.

He sat on the bed with you, his arm around your shoulder and his lips occasionally dropping kisses against your temple.

"I'm just glad they're alright. Both of them," you sighed and leaned into his chest, closing your eyes for a moment, the exhaustion finally taking over you.

But just when you were about to doze off, your daughter began crying and you sat back up straight.

Taehyung chuckled, "I feel like we're not going to get a lot of sleep for the next months," that statement only proved to be more true when your son soon started crying soon afterwards, with his sisters screams waking him up.

So while you tended to your daughter, he tended to your son and you both felt a little overwhelmed already, but at the same time, overjoyed that you were now officially parents.

Jeon Jeongguk


He just walked off the stage when his manager that he gave his phone to ran up to him.

"We need to leave."

"What's wrong?!" Namjoon was immediately alarmed, but the manager quickly shook his head.

"No, only Jungkook. (Y/N) called."

Jeongguk's eyes widened, "What happened?!"

"Her water broke about an hour ago. I think she's already in the hospital by now."

"What?! Why didn't you tell sooner?"

"You were in the middle of the concert."

"And she's having my child!"

"Jungkook," Namjoon grabbed his arm and looked him in the eyes, "It doesn't matter. Go to her now."

He was right, of course he was. But Jeongguk didn't know what to feel.

Angry at his manager for not dragging him off stage? Angry at himself for even performing when he knew you could go into labor at any second? Upset that he could miss the whole thing? Upset with himself that he hadn't been there for you when it had happened? Nervous that he might already be a father, and if not, would be soon?

Nevertheless, he didn't even change out of his costume, simply jumped into the car that was already waiting for him and drove to the hospital.

He texted you non-stop, but you didn't answer once.

And as the minutes passed, the fear within him grew. He had promised you. Promised you to be by your side when it was time.

God, what if you had to do the entire thing by your own, with no one by your side? He was scared too, but he had to be strong. For you. For your baby.

"Can you.. go a little faster?" he asked the driver, his leg bouncing up and down, "Please?"

Neither you nor him were prepared. After the initial shock of finding out about the pregnancy, you had tried your hardest to prepare yourselves for the child. You had moved into the boys' apartment, after you and Jeongguk had a long talk with the rest of his band members, that was mostly you and him crying and them promising to help you in any way they could.

But none of them could help him now.

As soon as the car stopped in front of the hospital, he sprinted inside and asked for you at the reception.

Without even waiting for the details, he began running again as soon as they told him the room number.

He didn't take the elevator, thinking it would just take too long. He took two stairs at a time, completely out of breath when he finally pushed open the door.

"Jeongguk," you cried and he was by your side instantly, holding your hand.

"I'm here," he kissed your knuckles, then you're forehead, "I'm so sorry. But I'm here now."

You laughed happily, while the tears were still streaming down your face.

You were scared and the pain was unlike anything you had ever felt before, but now that he was with you, you felt like you could do it. With him by your side, you felt like you could face anything. As long as you were together.

"I need you to push one more time, alright? One final push," the doctor said and you nodded, your fingers tightening around Jeongguk's hand.

And then finally.

"It's a girl," the doctor said, holding up the crying baby, for both of you to see, "Congratulations. You're parents of a girl."

Both of you were staring at the small crying bundle, that was placed into your arms when they had cleaned her.

She was so small, so fragile. And she immediately stopped crying when she was in your arms, staring up at you with the same dark eyes that her father had.

"Jeongguk," you whispered, as the first nurses started to clear the room.

"I know," he was as amazed as you were.

All worries and fears were suddenly forgotten. All the pain that you had both been through in the past month so completely worth it.

Because even if this pregnancy had never been planned..

..the result was the best thing that had ever happened to the both of you.

Bts Reaction They Deliver Your Baby the Doctor Faints


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